Management method

Managing your own stocks is very important because you should collect information both before buying and after purchasing.

Here I will show you a management method after you own stocks.

1. Create your own portfolio

Use a free tool, Yahoo (Yahoo JAPAN) finance to make your own portfolio. In this way you can easily understand the profits and losses in real time in order to adjust your strategies.

Before creating your own portfolio, it is necessary to create a Yahoo Japan ID as well as an email address with them.

The creation procedure is as follows


1. Go to Yahoo Japan’s website.

2. From the left side of the service menu, click finance (ファイナンス)

3. On the upper left side click portfolio/create a new (ポートフォリオ/新規作成)

4. Enter an arbitrary portfolio name and click next (次へ)

5. Input the four digit code of purchase stock in the blank space beside add (追加)

6. Then input possession quantity (保有数)and purchase price (購入単価)

You can choose your favorite design with a pull down or create your own original design.

7. Enter an arbitrary design name (Step 1) and select the design (Step 2)

8. Click(表示項目を選ぶ)and decide the display item (Step 3)

     you can choose display items from the list on the   right side.


     dividend yield (配当利回り), profit and loss (損益) , equity ratio(自己資本比率) and so on.


The selected display item which you choose can be changed (added or deleted) at any time.

After you are finished, click complete (完成)


Examples of portfolio creation.

2. Dividend management table.

For someone who owns many stocks, it is difficult to have a clear grasp of the received dividend schedule.

I recommend creating your own dividend management table using Microsoft Excel.

This guide introduces my management table with a sample. but of course, you can arrange the format to your liking. from this management table you can grasp when and how much you receive dividends and calculate the annual dividend income.

Creation examples of a dividend management table.

1. On the left side in the second line, input purchase stocks and purchase sum of money.

2. For the following line make the row line of twelve months then fill in black at the final month of the settlement.

3. Ordinally dividends paid three month after the final month of the settlement therefore set up a blank space. (if there are midterm dividend even after six months also set up a blank space)

4. After the dividends are paid, input the receipt sum of money in the blank space. It is very convenient because every purchase stock and every month, the sum of money is calculated automatically.

5. Just as you did before, set up a dividend yield for purchase sum of money is calculated automatically.

6. If there is a shareholder benefit input the content then convert them into monetary amounts.

7. When updating for the following year, delete the input part so that you can use this table repeatedly.


Dividend receipt management table ← Download from here

The table is still being worked on. Please check back soon.

3.Example of an annual operation result table