Prepared for Cold Weather

After an oppressively warm summer finally ended and easy-going days continue, it has started to become chilly recently.

According to Japan Meteorological Agency, this winter is expected to be a mild one, but it seems predictions are often proven wrong as well as market prospects of securities analysts.

I think that many people that use heaters such as air conditioners or wear an extra layer of clothing are prepared for cold weather, but today I would like to talk about how to deal with hands becoming frozen or numb while using a computer.

This is actually a warm light bulb for breeding small animals such as hamsters, but it is very good for warming hands.

They are about 3,000 yen at home centers and other shops.

The bulbs don’t make any sound, and the electricity usage is cheap (40 watts), so it is very useful during winter for me.

Although it is said that the risk of a bulb catching fire-is extremely low, please take extreme caution when using one of these products.

You don’t want to be responsible for causing a fire!